Social Media

Who Can You Bless Today on Social Media?

I once read an article by Michelle D. Craig that changed my perspective on my small daily actions. The idea is that we should seek holiness through the things we are already doing in our life and that little by little, we will become holy women. So think about that….how can you take the things you are already doing in your day and be guided by God to make them better? 

One daily thing that I’m sure most of us do is spend time on social media. How could we change that to be more holy and guided by God? Elder David A. Bednar teaches in his talk “Flood the Earth Through Social Media”,

Social media channels are global tools that can personally and positively impact large numbers of individuals and families.”

David A. Bednar, Campus Education Week, 2014

There is so much good that can be found in social media, but I definitely know what it feels like to mindlessly scroll instead of feeling like it is a blessing for me and others. But how amazing is it that we could bless someone’s life without even leaving the couch! Think about a time that someone commented something on your social media that made your day. What if we tried to use social media as a way to serve our friends and those around us? 

Try this: As you get on social media today, say a quick prayer that you will know who needs a comment from you. Instead of mindlessly scrolling, pause and take time to listen to the quiet voice of the Spirit. You could make someone’s day with just a simple comment! 

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdof has taught,

“We are continuing to learn of the immense good that comes from the righteous and intentional use of technology. Sometimes we think of the Internet and social media as an enemy because there can be so much negativity there. However, the Internet can be a friend to us when we use it correctly. We may seek personal revelation from heaven for ways we can use technology to connect with others during this time. “

(Embracing the Future of Missionary Work, Church of Jesus Christ, 2020)

Elder Uchtdof encourages us that good can come when we are righteous and intentional about our time on social media! What can you do to improve on those two aspects? 

Someone that is so good at this is Kay West from A Worldwide Sisterhood (Instagram: @aworldwidesisterhood). I am always so touched and amazed by her thoughtful comments on not only my posts, but others as well. She is intentional with her time on social media and it blesses the lives of so many people and it makes me want to be that kind of blessing for someone else. 

You’ve got this —pray to know who you can bless today, give a genuine comment on someone’s post, and be righteous and intentional about your time on social media today. I know that as we try to improve the small parts of our day, we will become holy women that can do amazing things in the kingdom of God!


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