As we prepare for the 200th anniversary of the First Vision and the bicentennial General Conference, President Nelson has asked us to do a few things to prepare our hearts and homes. Each week leading up to General Conference we will be focusing on one small, doable thing. We want to simplify and do this in bite-size pieces.

This first week, we will be studying the First Vision. You can make this as simple or as in-depth as you like. Some ideas could be to read or listen to Joseph Smith History in the Pearl of Great Price, watch “Joseph Smith’s First Vision” by the Church on YouTube, or show your family a picture of the First Vision and bear your testimony of what happened there.
For a more in-depth study, here are a few more resources:
—Gospel Topics Essays – First Vision Account
—Saints, Volume 1 (Especially chapters 1 to 3) –
—But For Joseph by Katherine D. Pullins, June 27, 2007 BYU Devotional –
—Lessons From Joseph Smith by Bonnie L. Oscarson, December 6, 2016 BYU Devotional
—The First Vision: A Joseph Smith Papers Podcast
—The Message of the Restoration by L. Tom Perry
These two books below can be found at Deseret Book – Bookshelf Plus members can listen for free. Click HERE to get 30 days of listening for free
–History of Joseph Smith by His Mother Lucy Mack Smith Chapter 18
–I Saw the Lord: Joseph’s First Vision Combined from Nine Accounts
As you are studying, hop back over to our Instagram page or our Salt Gathering Facebook Group to share any insights!
The SALT Team
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